New tea and spicy processing enterprise is opened

A new tea and spice processing plant has been put into operation in Saguramo village, Mtskheta municipality. The enterprise "Manna" equipped with modern standards was created within the framework of the "United AgroProject" with financial support of the government. In total, 871,058 GEL was invested in the enterprise, out of which 348,423 GEL is grant and 435,529 GEL preferential agro-credit. Mr. Giorgi Khanishvili, Deputy Minister of Environment Protection and Agriculture, Mr. Paata Shekeladze, Director of the Agriculture Projects Management Agency visited the plant with Mtskheta-Mtianeti state governor Mr. Shalva Kereselidze and got acquainted with the working process. The plant is expected to produces 8 tons of tea and 4 tons of spices per year. The product will be realized on the local market, also it will be exported. 20 people are employed in the processing plant

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