New storage enterprise is on the go To Gori region

With the support of the state, the Alliance Group Ltd built a modern refrigeration farm in Gori. A total of GEL 2,500,000 was invested in the construction of the farm, put of which GEL 750,000 was granted to the beneficiaries as a preferential agro-credit and GEL 600,000 - as a state grant.

The refrigeration farm can store up to 1500 tons of fruit and vegetables on average per year. The company employs 30 locals permanently.

Giorgi Khanishvili, First Deputy Minister of Environment Protection and Agriculture, together with Otar Shamugia, Director of Agriculture and Rural Development Agency and the representatives of local self-government, visited the refrigeration farm and got acquainted with the production process.

26 new enterprises have been opened in Shida Kartli region with the help of the state within the unified agro-project. Agriculture and Rural Development Agency implements the United Agroproject, which is designed for long-term development and aims to create an environment conducive to increasing competitiveness in agriculture, steady growth of high-quality production and implementation of international food safety standards.

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