Spring works are being carried out in compliance with safety regulations

Alongside to the fight against the spread of new coronavirus, the spring works in the regions of Georgia are being actively carried out in compliance with safety norms.

Lasha Shalamberidze, Head of the Department of Relations with the Regions of the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency, got acquainted with the process of implementation of agricultural works in Imereti region.

"Representatives of the regional services of the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency of the Ministry of Environmental protection and Agriculture are in constant communication with the farmers and, in addition to sectoral issues, are also providing consultations on the prevention of the spread of coronavirus. The regional services are actively providing information to interested parties about the current state programs and projects implemented by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, said Lasha Shalamberidze, the Head of the Department of Relations with the Regions of the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency.

The cultivation of agricultural lands is in an active phase. Plowing and sowing works are being carried out. It is noteworthy that compared to previous years, the number of consultations conducted by the regional agricultural services in the spring of 2020 has increased. The consultations on soil preparation, planning and agricultural activities based on recommendations. The process of transplanting seedlings in greenhouses is carried out in compliance with safety norms.

In consideration of the specificity of the field, it is important to carry out the works taking into account soil and climatic factors, which will eventually have effect on the quality and quantity of the harvest.

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