Spring Works are Being Carried out in Observance of Safety Rules

Parallel with the fight against the spread of new coronavirus, the spring works in the regions of Georgia are being actively carried out in compliance with safety norms. The farmers are carrying out intensively land and farm treatment procedures. The representatives of the regional services of the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture are providing consultations on sectoral issues as well as on the observance of the safety norms developed to combat the spread of the new coronavirus. All calls on the hotline are being responded promptly and uninterrupted - said Lasha Shalamberidze, the Head of the Department of Relations with the Regions of the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency.

The regional services of the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency continue activities in remote mode. Considering the needs of the farmers, the representatives of the regional services also visit the agricultural plots and give consultations on the site in compliance with the safety rules.

According to the farmers, in consideration of the specificity of the field and the agro-terms, it is important to carry out the work consistently so that the harvest is not imposed to risk.

In order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19), the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture is supervising the management, logistics and transportation of food supplies, within the framework of the Interagency Coordination Council established under the guidance of the Prime Minister.

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