Memorandum of Partnership signed between the Rural Development Agency and the UN Women

The Memorandum was signed between the Rural Development Agency and the United Nations Women to increase the capacity of rural women.

The Memorandum was signed by Mr. Ilia Tamarashvili, Director of the Rural Development Agency and Ms. Tamar Sabedashvili, Acting Representative of the UN Women.

The purpose of the agreement is to support women's economic empowerment by involving women in Rural Development Agency programs in Georgia and to develop a special program aimed at vulnerable groups of women.

Within the scopes of the Memorandum, UN Women will provide the Rural Development Agency with a Gender Equality Strategy and Action Plan based on the recommendations of the Participatory Gender Audit (PGA).

The parties agreed to develop an effective institutional mechanism to take into account the gender perspective, which will be implemented in the programs of the Rural Development Agency. Recommendations will be developed in support of the Agency to enable it to meet its commitments on gender equality and women's economic empowerment at the national and international levels in a short period of time.

With the support of the UN Women, the Rural Development Agency will establish the position of a gender advisor, who will be the main contact point between the organizations and will work closely with the Rural Development Agency to develop competencies, gender equality standards and norms.

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