Georgian Tea Plantation Rehabilitation Program
Program Objectives
- Maximum use of Georgian tea potential and promotion of high-quality tea production, including production of bio (organic) tea. As a result, Raising self-sufficiency and export capacity.
- Privately owned as well as state owned abandoned tea plantations will be rehabilitated and tea primary processing modern enterprises will be established under this project.
- Increase Employment rate and improvement of socio-economic state of population.
- Promotion of modern Tea primary processing enterprises.
Conditions of The Program:
Within the scope of this Program, the Agency shall provide co-financing of the rehabilitation works for the tea plantations owned by the Program beneficiary* and/or by the State.
Participants of the program (not cooperatives) will be financed with 70% of the rehabilitation costs, with a maximum of 2,500 GEL per ha.
Agricultural cooperatives will be financed - 90% of the cost of the actually performed rehabilitation works, but not more than 3,000 GEL per 1 ha;
The area of the tea plantations of the program participants and/or the rehabilitation plots leased from the government should be at least 3 and at most 300 hectares in size.
The list of works to be implemented for the rehabilitation of tea plantations in the frames of the Program:
- clearing the tea plantation (of trees, metal and concrete debris, foreign objects);
- heavy and regeneratory pruning of the plantation;
- arrangement of drainage channel (a drainage channel may be arranged before the heavy or regeneratory pruning of the plantation);
- inter-row tillage/loosening (topsoil tillage to 15-20 cm depth);
- purchase of fertilizers and agricultural products (including bio) in the first year.
Success stories