Within the framework of the celebration of Georgia's Independence Day, the Rural Development Agency is hosting citizens in the central square of the city of Ozurgeti

Tengiz Nasaridze, the Deputy Minister of Environment Protection and Agriculture, together with the representatives of the local government, inspected the spaces arranged within the event dedicated to May 26.

"On the Independence Day of Georgia, I congratulate all of Georgia, all citizens of our country, from Guria, Ozurgeti city. Organized by the Rural Development Agency and Ozurgeti Municipality City Hall, we have planned many activities - local agricultural products are exhibited, a number of entertainment spaces are arranged, including for children.

The most important day for our country is celebrated throughout the country. Let's all celebrate May 26 together. This day unites us and fills us with pride", said Tengiz Nasaridze, Deputy Minister of Environment Protection and Agriculture.

Within the framework of the event, an educational space was created for children, a children's play was held, and an exhibition space "What makes us proud and unites us" was arranged. Concerts are held with the participation of local artists.  Military equipment of the Defense Forces is exhibited.

At 5:10 p.m., the historic time of Georgia's declaration of independence was solemnly celebrated.

In the city of Ozurgeti, on the central square, the solemn event is organized by the administration of the Government of Georgia, the Rural Development Agency of the Ministry of Environment and Agriculture and the Ozurgeti Municipality City Hall.

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