3,000 tons of grapes have been processed by 26 state-supported cooperatives this year

The state has been starting to support the agricultural cooperatives since 2013; the programs envisage support for all links in the agricultural value chain; Co-financing issued for support of viticulture agricultural cooperatives exceeds 12.4 million GEL", - said the director of the Rural Development Agency, Ilia Tamarashvili, who, together with the Deputy State Representative of the Kakheti Region, Levan Liluashvili, visited the Bakhtrioni Winery cooperative.

Grape Processing Plant of Agricultural Cooperative Bakhtrioni Winery was launched in Akhmeta Municipality with the financial support of the state."Bakhtrioni Winery" unites 20 members; the members of the cooperative own 21 hectares of vineyards. A total of GEL 1 million was invested in creating a grape processing plant, from which GEL 500,000 was a grant from the Rural Development Agency. The cooperative enterprise has processed100 tons of grapes for the first time this year.

As Ilia Tamarashvili noted, more than 3,000 tons of grapes have been processed this year by 26 cooperative enterprises created with state support.

According to the Deputy State Representative of Kakheti Region, Levan Liluashvili, state programs are an important support for the economic strengthening of the region.

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