CNFA has signed a Memorandum with Georgia    

The memorandum was signed by Paata Shekeladze, director of the Agriculture Projects Management Agency and Luis Faoros, the Head of the Agriculture Program of the US Agency for International Development (USAID). According to the Memorandum, the beneficiaries of the Agricultural Projects Management Agency "United AgroProject", which have a clear potential of creating jobs and increasing income of small and medium sized enterprises (MSME), will receive financial and technical assistance.

Further technical support for beneficiaries of the "United AgroProject" beneficiaries implies the introduction of international standards of food safety and promotion of biomass for the purpose of holding a chain of agricultural value. This will enhance the export potential of Georgian products and find new markets. Provision of trainings and financial support in marketing direction is foreseen. The Agriculture Program of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) undertakes the obligation to:

  • finance 50% of the value of the introduction of international systems and standards for food safety management, as well as 50% of the value of the introduction of bioproduction standards and bio-certification, ensure engagement of enterprises in relevant training programs;
  • finance the 50% of the service fee in the marketing and branding direction for the beneficiary enterprises of the Agency, the products produced by which are designed for retail trade.
  • finance 100% of the value of trainings organized specially for enterprises. On the other hand, the Agriculture Projects Management Agency will provide the payment of 30% of the value of introduction of international systems and standards, bio-certification and marketing services, as well as mobilize the staff of the beneficiaries participating in the training and will assist the successful conduct of the trainings.

The Agricultural Projects Management Agency is implementing the "United AgroProject", which is designed for long-term development and its purpose is to create an environment that will promote the increase of competitiveness in agriculture, stable growth of high quality products, introduction of international standards of food safety.

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