New blueberry garden made in Guria region within United Agroproject

Blueberry LTD, beneficiary of Plant the Future project made a new blueberry garden on 6.9ha plot of land within the United Agroproject. The garden is located in Naruja settlement of Ozurgeti district. Mariam Mekoshkishvili, manager of Plant the Future project and Merab Chanukvadze, Governor of Guria region, visited a blueberry garden of the project beneficiary together with representatives of local self-governance. The beneficiary joined the project in 2016. He received 100 000 GEL state funding for making of a garden and arrangement of irrigation system, where 96,617.63 was designated for plants and 3,382.37 GEL for drip irrigation system. Arrangement of new fruit gardens on 5,201 ha territory is funded within Plant the Future project throughout the whole Georgia and state funding amounts to 27,632,812 GEL. It is planned to arrange fruit-tree gardens on 150ha territory in Guria region. Total cofounding amounted to 1,026,175 GEL. Agricultural Projects Management Agency implements United Agroproject within Produce in Georgia, which is aimed at long-term development and creation of the environment that will promote increasing of competitiveness, stable growth of production of a high quality products and establishing of international food safety standards.

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