In Imereti Region the farmers were acquainted with the project of greenhouse clusters

The Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia Giorgi Mkheidze, the Governor of the Imereti Region Givi Chichinadze and the Deputy Director of the Agricultural Projects Management Agency Otar Shamugia conducted a meeting with representatives of the Administration of the Imereti Region and farmers in the village Maghlaki, Tskaltubo. At the stated meeting the Deputy Minister represented a project of greenhouse clusters to the participants and provided them with a detailed information. Implementation of the greenhouse clusters is scheduled for 2018 and it considers creating of an agricultural zone in the Imereti Region, where, with the support of the Government, large greenhouse clusters will be constructed. The project is targeted on stimulating of the traditional export field of the Western Georgia, mainly of the maximal using of the exporting potential of the greenhouse sector (greenery and greenhouse vegetables) and as a result of it increasing of incomes to be received from export; rendering of assistance to traditional export fields in entering on the new markets and, finally, diversifying of the export markets; creating of an example of modernization of the greenhouse sector and sharing of knowledge and experience on the national basis, as well as establishing of preconditions which are necessary for formation of the Imereti Logistic Center. All citizens of Georgia and legal entities registered on the territory of the state are liable to take a part in the stated project. The participants of the project must provide construction of greenhouse areas on the received land parcels of not less than 0.1 ha and not more than 5 ha. It is remarkable that in the process of implementation of the stated project, the Government will provide the following on the territory of the Imereti Agricultural Zone: laying of the road, arranging of all communications (electricity, water, natural gas). An export company will be represented as an independent subject on the territory of the Imereti Agricultural Zone which will arrange all infrastructural buildings/ premises necessary for sorting, freezing, and packaging of products on its territory. Investing of 100 mln lari is scheduled for implementation of the project as a result of which a clustering model of the greenhouse plant and a terminal of freight services (in the Kopitnari International Airport) satisfying international standards will be created and all this, on its turn, will provide an additional opportunity for other exporting products. The Agricultural Projects Management Agency, in frames of the project Produce in Georgia Business, is implementing the United Agroproject which is designed for long-termed development and is focused on creation of a kind of the environment which will support increasing of competitiveness in the agricultural sector, sustainable upgrading of production of high quality products, and implementing of international standards applicable in the field of safety of food.

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