International Conference “Herbs of Georgia” held in Kutaisi

An international conference organized by UN Food and Agriculture Organization and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) was held in Kutaisi. Giorgi Chkheidze, deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture attended the Event. Potential of production of high standard products in herbal sector and increase of export volume was discussed at the Conference. The participants reviewed possibilities of investment in this field based on researches and assessments made by the international experts. It shall be noted that construction of a broad greenhouse cluster Imereti Agrozone is planned with the support of the state. 100 million GEL will be invested for implementation of the project declared Giorgi Chkheidze, deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture and added that the project is aimed at stimulation of maximal utilization of export potential of herbal and green-house vegetable production, which is a traditional agricultural sector of West Georgia. Its aims include modernization of green-house sector, promotion of access to new markets and creation of pre-requisites for development of a logistics center in Imereti region. According to Victoria Zinchuk, head of EBRD Agribusiness advisory team, production of high quality products that have high value, will have a positive impact on income of farmers and export indicators and development of modern retail sales. It was mentioned at the conference that European market with 500 million consumers, which is accessible for Georgia based on Deep and Comprehensive Trade Agreement with EU, is very important for utilization of agrarian export potential. FAOs experience in Ukraine showed that products of a high value are successfully sold beyond the markets of former soviet republics. Increasing of food safety and quality will result in relevant yield. We are sure that Georgian herbs will be sold in EU, Middle East and even in Nrorth America. But farmrs shall improve safety standards first. They shall pay attention to care, storage and packing of products declared Andrey Yarmak, FAO expert. The event was held with support of EU (within EU for Business initiative) and Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia. More than 60 representatives of herbal sector participated in the conference. Seminar on Production and Marketing of Herbs in Georgia was held after finishing of the conference.

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