Insurance companies will complete the calculation of the damage caused by the disaster in Kakheti region within the shortest period

On July 15 heavy hail and wind significantly damaged the Kakheti region. 1041 notifications are received by the insurance companies from the beneficiaries of the state insurance. The damaged area is approximately 1,215 hectares. 60% of insurance reports were received from Telavi municipality, and the rest - from Kvareli, Gurjaani, Lagodekhi and Sagarejo municipalities. The process of calculating the damage by the representatives of the insurance companies is underway and will be completed as soon as possible.

As of July 2020, the number of the policies issued under the state agro-insurance program is 15,422, with more than 15,000 hectares of land insured, which is 24% more than the index fixed for the same period in the last year. The cost of the insured crop exceeds 140 million GEL.

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