New tea processing enterprise has been put into operation in Ozurgeti region

A new tea processing enterprise has been put into operation in village Dvabzu, Ozurgeti municipality. Tea processing enterprise "Georgian Bouquet" equipped with modern standards was established within the framework of the "United AgroProject". Financial support for establishing the enterprise has been provided within the framework of "Co-financing Project of new plants for Agricultural Product Processing and Saving". In total, 428,520 USD was invested in the enterprise, 171,408 USD of which was the grant and 150,000 USD preferential agrocredit. Giorgi Chkheidze, Deputy Minister of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia accompanied by Merab Chanukvadze, Guria regional governor and Revaz Asatiani the Director of Agricultural Projects Management Agency visited and got acquainted with the manufacturing process. The company produces 15 tons of different kinds of tea per year, for which only local raw materials are used. The realization of the product is envisaged for the local market; In future it is planned to export it. 10 people are employed in the enterprise. With the support of USAID/REAP and Agricultural Projects Management Agency, International Standards for Food Safety - ISO 22:000 will be introduced by the end of 2018. Since 2013 to the present, up to 170 new and 845 active enterprises have been financed under the "United AgroProject". Out of which 7 new enterprises were established and 7 enteprise were reequipped/expanded in Guria region. State financial support has encouraged the entrepreneurs for further development and expansion of production. Within the framework of the program "Produce in Georgia - Business", the Agricultural Projects Management Agency is implementing the "United AgroProject", which is considered for long-term development and aims at creating such an environment that will contribute to improving competitiveness in agriculture, stable growth of high quality products, introduction of food safety international standards.

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