Farmers who have already withdrawn their discount cards have saved more than GEL 2,200,000

The state program of agro-diesel promotion is running smoothly. More than 81,500 farmers have already received more than 24,000 tonnes of diesel fuel discount cards. The farmers who have already cashed in discount cards have saved a total of more than GEL 2,200,000.

Under the program, in order to maintain the process of organized service to farmers at gas stations, the rule is in force, in particular, from July 1 to September 1 it is possible to withdraw 20% of diesel discount cards for not less than 300 liters. If the volume of fuel is less than 300 liters, the farmers will be able to fully withdraw the fuel discount cards, and from September 1, they will be able to use any number of diesel discount cards.

Within the framework of the agro-diesel promotion program, discount cards are issued to farmers in stages, both in the Public Service Halls and the community centers (on the principle of pre-booking the visit to, as well as in the regional offices of the Agriculture and Rural Development Agency and the information-consultation centers in the municipalities. The agro-diesel discount cards are issued by the branches of the Liberty Bank as well.

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