Harvesting apples is actively underway

Anticipated amount of apple harvest in current year exceeds 120 thousand tons, mainly this refers to Shida Kartli region, with production of 70% of apple harvest. 

In order to support the production of nonstandard apple the subsidy program is being implemented by the state. Within the frameworks of the state program, the Rural Development Agency will issue the subsidy in amount of 10 Tetri per 1 kg of nonstandard apple. State subsidy will be issued to those fruit processing enterprises, purchasing the 1 kg of nonstandard apples from natural persons involved in fruit industry for no less than 24 Tetri till December 15, 2022 year. 

As of October 30, more than 35,467 tons of nonstandard apples were received by fruit processing enterprises, enabling the farmers to get the income exceeding 8, 6 millions of GEL, amongst them the state subsidy is more than 3,5 millions of GEL.

The program for support of nonstandard apple harvest sale enables the farmers to sale low-quality apples for acceptable price. At the same time, supports the supply of raw materials to the fruit processing enterprises.  It should be noted that the concentrate produced by the way of nonstandard apple processing is mostly sold at EU market. 

In order to organize the supply of nonstandard apple to the enterprises involved in state program, the coordinating headquarters is functioning in Gori city.  

15 fruit processing enterprises from Shida Kartli, Kvemo Kartli, Kakheti, Mtskheta-Mtianeti and Racha-Lechkhumi regions are involved in the program for supporting the sale of nonstandard apple. 

Within the frameworks of “Preferential Agricultural Credit” project the credit for turnover means of nonstandard apple purchaser enterprises shall be issued only for nonstandard apple purchase and processing purposes. 

For development of the mentioned field, the cultivation of European-styled orchards is still going on; the demand on such orchards is increasing on international markets. It is noteworthy that the acceptance of applications in the garden component of the state program "Plant the Future" was resumed on October 31 of this year.

Since August 1 till October 30 (inclusive), 2022 year, 1 257 tons of apple with total value of 814 thousand USD were exported.  


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