An Exhibition-Sale of Georgian Agro Products Organized by the Rural Development Agency

Supported by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture and organized by the Rural Development Agency, an exhibition-sale of Georgian agricultural food products was held in a tourist-active area of Tbilisi, on Vekua Street.

The event was attended by Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture Tengiz Nasaridze and Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia Nino Tsilosani, along with the Director of the Rural Development Agency Davit Tsitlidze.

"An interesting event is being held today in Tbilisi, with around 20 small and medium farmers represented. Both locals and tourists are interested in our uniquely flavorful Georgian products. It is, of course, very important to promote high-quality Georgian products. Ms. Nino Tsilosani was the author of this idea when she was the chair of the Agrarian Committee. Naturally, we supported it, and today's event is organized by the Rural Development Agency," said Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture Tengiz Nasaridze.

"It is an important day for us, for farmers and small entrepreneurs. The pilot project of agro markets, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, is starting. This will be a very good opportunity for them to showcase and consequently sell their products, attracting interest from both tourists and locals. It will also provide a place for Tbilisi residents to purchase and taste products grown in rural areas. Of course, the Ministry of Agriculture continuously assists farmers and is actively involved in the process of product realization. Because sales are an integral part of their success, we welcome such initiatives," noted Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia Nino Tsilosani.

The guests of the event were offered Georgian honey, tea, juices, wine, and various types of traditional sweets, including churchkhela, dried fruits, and tklapi, by producers from different regions of Georgia. The exhibition featured both traditional Georgian and European-style cheeses.

In addition to supporting the production of high-quality Georgian agro products, the Rural Development Agency promotes Georgian products both locally and internationally through various events.

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