Those wishing to participate in programs/projects must submit applications only in Georgian.

Stages and presentable documentation

Within the framework of the Program, co-financing of various areas of dairy industry is provided, from which, for the purposes of the Program, the 1) medium-sized (1-10 tons of milk processing per day) milk processing enterprise, 2) milk collection point and 3) animal food primary producers are required to submit a business plan (hereinafter -  "Projects with Business Plan") along with the application, and other areas are required to present a business model (hereinafter referred to as the "Projects with Business Model”).

Within the framework of the program, the applications of those wishing to participate in the program, the business model, the business plan and the documentation required for signing the contract are presented electronically on the agency's website.

Note: The original document of the expert / evaluation / audit report will be submitted through the Agency's case management service and / or the regional service. 

Fill out and Review the Application

To fill out the application, potential beneficiary / authorized person:

  • Enters his/her control panel on the website;
  • Presses the "Add Application" button;
  • Chooses - "natural person" / "legal entity";
  • Completes the electronic application form (for individuals, for a legal entity);
  • Completes all required fields in the application form;
  • By pressing the button confirms that the information provided by him/her is true and agrees that if any party implementing the Program becomes aware of any incompliance of the beneficiary’s information with the reality, it may become a reasons for the refusal to co-financing and/or the ground to claim the return of the co-financing;
  • On the application page, there is a button "Send an application", after pressing on which the website displays the message about the consent to send the application - "I agree".
  • In case of consent from the potential beneficiary, the completed application will be registered in the system and the registration number will be given.
  • After consenting to the transfer of the application, its correction is not allowed.

If the application submitted by the person wishing to participate in the program complies with the conditions of the program, the milk collection point and the application presented in the direction of the medium-sized milk processing enterprise goes to the stage of preparing the business plan, and the application presented in the other direction of the program goes to the stage of consideration at the co-financing committee of the agency. Those wishing to participate in the program will receive a notification about this in the system and/or e-mail. by mail.

Submission of a Business Model / Plan and Conclusion of Co-financing Agreement

Within 60 days from the change of the application status, the person wishing to participate in the program (milk collection point and medium-sized processing enterprise) is obliged to upload a business plan in the format specified by the agency and a document confirming the additional source of financing (business plan form, financial sources and tables) in the case of projects with a business plan;

The person wishing to participate in the program is obliged to fill out the business model in the format determined by the agency (includes the following directions: alternative activities for young people, veterinary medicine and artificial insemination, small-scale processing enterprise, milk collection point on summer pastures, primary milk production) (a form of business model, project evaluation criteria), in case of business model.

The business plan/business model submitted by the potential beneficiary will be considered by the Co-financing Committee. In case of approval of the project the beneficiary must submit documents (See the list of documents) for conclusion of the agreement, including the documents required by the Grant Committee and/or the Agency (if any).

In case the beneficiary uploads the necessary documents for concluding the agreement in the system within the time limit set by the Agency, a co-financing agreement (contract template for primary diary producers, contract template for other grant categories) will be signed with the beneficiary. 
