Training was held for the beneficiaries of The state program Plant The Future

The Agriculture Projects Management Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture has completed one more phase of trainings for participants in the project "Plant the Future". Compulsory training of beneficiaries financed within the project was undertaken at the Office of Agricultural Projects Management Agency. Beneficiaries participating in the project were trained in various directions: technologies of trimming of the seedlings in the garden, introduction of plant integrated protection systems - IPM and plant nutrition issues. Within the initiative of the Agriculture Projects Management Agency, the training was held for five days.

Free trainings for beneficiaries in fruit growing were provided with the support of the Agricultural Scientific Research Center. The purpose of the training is to study the means of proper care of modern intensive and semi-intensive perennial culture gardens, which will reduce possible risks during gardening. Agriculture Project Management Agency will provide regular retraining for the beneficiaries participating in the project.

Within the framework of the "United AgroProject", the project Plant the Future is being implemented since 2015. In the framework of the project, 1,031 applications were approved, 2 of which were approved within the nursery farming component. Total co-financing of approved projects amounted to more than 35 million GEL. In Georgia planting new fruit gardens on 6,565 hectares and nurseries on 4 hectares was financed. Financial support from the state provided the entrepreneurs with an additional push for development and expansion.

The Agricultural Projects Management Agency carries out the "United Agro Project", which is designed for long-term development and aims to create an environment that will promote the increase of competitiveness in agriculture, stable growth of high quality products, introduction of international standards of food safety.

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