Those wishing to participate in programs/projects must submit applications only in Georgian.

Seedling component

The component of financing the  damaged seedlings  as a result of natural calamities (hereinafter referred to as the Seedling Component) provides for the replacement of seedlings in perennial orchards/plantations/vineyards damaged as a result of natural calamities such as hail, hurricane and flood, through the financing of the cost of perennial crop seedlings of potential beneficiaries.

Within the framework of the seedlings component, the financing can be provided in all municipalities and self-governing towns of Georgia.

Within the seedlings component the replacement of perennial crops defined by the garden component with other perennial crops(s), including vines, except for the Rkatsiteli variety, will be financed. 

Financial assistance:

Within the seedling component, financial assistance provides allocation of targeted funding to potential beneficiaries for  purchase of seedlings.

Within the seedling component, the cost of seedlings will be funded, both in case of purchase of seedlings in the local market and in case of their import.

Table of the maximum amount of financing within the seedling component by crops and seedling characteristics:

Within  the seedling component, replacement of damaged seedlings on no more than 50 ha will be funded for one beneficiary in the amount of not more than GEL 250,000.

Seedlings must be purchased from local qualified nurseries or by importing seedlings. Seedling(s) should be imported only from US/UK/EU countries or nursery(ies) from other country(-ies) designated by the Center.

Beneficiary of seedling component

The beneficiary of the seedling component may be a citizen of Georgia or an individual entrepreneur/legal entity (including an agricultural cooperative) registered in Georgia in accordance with the law, in which the state does not own   a share/stock/interest, except for the legal entity in which JSC Partnership Fund directly or indirectly owns share, stock, interest and which garden/plantation/vineyard was damaged as a result of natural disaster(s) from 15 July 2020.

The beneficiary must be registered in the register produced within the framework of the “Farm/Farmer Registration Project”.

The potential beneficiary must be of full age  and own a plot of land registered in the LEPL National Agency of Public Registry  for agricultural purposes and/or must dispose  a long-term lease (the remaining period of the lease must be at least 10 years, the lease agreement must be registered in the LEPL National Agency of Public Registry). 

List of documentation to be submitted by the potential beneficiary:

To receive funding within the Seedling Component, a potential beneficiary must submit the following documentation to the Agency no later than 60 calendar days after damage to a perennial garden/plantation/vineyard as a result of natural disaster(s):

* Note: Potential beneficiary(-ies) who has (have) not yet submitted documentation to the Agency within  the component of funding the seedlings damaged as a result of natural disasters  within 60 calendar days after  damage to a perennial garden/plantation/vineyard, shall submit the documents within 45 calendar days from November 20, 2020  (effective date of the Resolution), and for the potential beneficiaries who have submitted documentation to the Agency upon expiration of 60 calendar days after the damage to the perennial garden/plantation/vineyard as a result of the natural disaster (s),  the delay shall be deemed as lawful excuse.

“What should the invoice contain”

a) Completed application form;

b) Extract from the Register of Entrepreneurs and Non-Entrepreneurial (Non-Commercial) Legal Entities (in case of a legal entity);

c) Copy of the identity document (in case of a legal entity – of the director/responsible person; in case of a natural person/ individual entrepreneur -  of the land owner and responsible person);

d) In case of replacement of damaged seedlings in the existing garden/plantation/vineyard with quite different perennial crop seedling, a certificate issued by the Center on the suitability and conformity  of the plot land  for all perennial crops provided in the application;

e) Document certifying the ownership of the land plot (extract from the Public Register and cadastral map), in case of a lease, a lease agreement must be submitted together with the extract;

f) Invoice and/or contract for purchase of seedlings in Georgian/notarized translation into Georgian, which must indicate:

g.a) quantity of seedlings;

g.b) the price of each seedling;

g.c) total cost of seedlings;

g.d) characteristics of the seedling;

g.e) delivery conditions;

g.f) seller’s bank details;

g.g) bank details of the beneficiary;

g.h) LEPL Levan Samkharauli National Forensics Bureau report on perennial crop damage to perennial gardens/plantations/vineyards, which should indicate the cadastral code of the damaged land plot, area, quantity of seedlings and crop.

The Agency will review the application along with the accompanying documentation.

If the application and the submitted documentation meet the terms of the project, the application will be approved.

After the approval of the application, a co-financing agreement will be signed.

In order to confirm the fulfillment of the obligations under the agreement, the beneficiary is obliged to submit the expert/audit report of the person listed in the register produced by the state interdepartmental  institution within the system of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia - Accounting, Reporting and Audit Supervision Service.

Success stories


Plant The Future

Plant The Future

Applications for the Gardens component will be accepted from January 15, 2025 at...