2024 Results of the Rural Development Agency

At the end of 2024, as per tradition, the Rural Development Agency summarizes the outcomes of the programs and projects implemented to support the development of the agricultural sector. The programs and projects carried out in 2024 aim to effectively respond to the needs and challenges of the agricultural sector.

In 2024, more than 5,300 beneficiaries received concessional agrocredits worth 968.5 million GEL to improve primary agricultural production, processing, and storage-sale processes. The state co-financing of loan interest exceeded 227 million GEL.

The area of modern orchards in the country has been increasing year by year, which is one of the outcomes of the successful state program "Plant the Future." In 2024, with state support, 2,265 hectares of new orchards were planted with co-financing amounting to 18.9 million GEL.

For several years, a state support program has been ongoing to establish storage and processing facilities for agricultural products. Since the program’s inception, funding has been provided for the creation of 270 processing plants and storage facilities. In 2024, funding decisions were made for the establishment of 14 new processing plants and storage facilities.

It is no news that there is a high demand for agricultural mechanization from the private sector. In 2024, under the Agricultural Machinery Co-financing Program and the Harvesting Agricultural Machinery Co-financing Program for agricultural cooperatives, more than 300 pieces of equipment were financed. The total value of the purchased equipment exceeded 31 million GEL.

Hazelnuts are one of the key export products, with over 70% of their exports going to the European Union. Hazelnuts serve as a significant source of income for thousands of families. Therefore, the government supports the hazelnut sector. Nationwide, 90,000 growers registered over 44,000 hectares of hazelnut orchards in the hazelnut cadastre. Farmers received approximately GEL 21 million in targeted assistance.

In 2024, we launched four new programs: a pilot program to promote agricultural production on irrigated land in selected regions, the “Georgian Vegetables from Greenhouses” program to support primary production, a beekeeping support program, and an innovative technology grant program aimed at fostering knowledge and skills development for small farmers in Georgia’s regions, thereby enhancing their productivity and income. These new specialized programs will also continue in 2025.

For more information about the programs, visit the link: https://www.rda.gov.ge/programs

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