Those wishing to participate in programs/projects must submit applications only in Georgian.

Beneficiary eligibility criteria and conditions

The potential beneficiary of the program must have a blueberry and/or blackberry and/or raspberry garden planted in one municipality within the framework of the projects/programs implemented by the agency, or at least five shareholders of a cooperative with agricultural status must have a blueberry orchard planted in one municipality within the framework of the agency's projects/programs or /and blackberry and/or raspberry garden.

The blueberry and/or blackberry and/or raspberry orchards owned by the potential beneficiary and/or at least five of his beneficiaries, planted within the framework of the projects/programs implemented by the Agency, must be at least 10 ha in total.

The land plot where a storage refrigerator is planned to be arranged must be registered in the ownership of a potential beneficiary.

The presence of blueberry and/or blackberry and/or raspberry orchard(s) on the land area(s) owned by the potential beneficiary and/or its beneficiaries must be confirmed by the agency.
