New fruit processing enterprise in Bagdadi

LLC Agrolane, fruit processing enterprise equipped with standards, was founded in 2016 year in Baghdati Municipality by the financial aid of the state. There are 30 individuals employed in the enterprise and annually the company produces 12 tons of frozen raspberries and 56 tons of frozen cranberries. Products are sold at local market, as well as exported. In June 2017 year the ISO 22000:2005 certificate was granted to the LLC Agrolane by the French Company Bureau Veritas. The above mentioned was carried out within the frameworks of the cooperation of USAID/REAP and Non-Entrepreneurial Legal Individual Agricultural Projects Management Agency aimed on implementation of the food safety management system in beneficiary enterprises through mutual effort and co-financing (50% - USAID / REAP, 30% - Agency and 20% - company). It is expected that after the certification the number of foreign customers of the LLC Agrolane will increase. Currently, USAID/REAP and the Agency are rendering the assistance for implementation of HACCP system and ISO 22 000 Standard to 15 agribusinesses.

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