UN Industrial Development Organization Launches Greenhouse Cluster Diagnostic Study in Imereti Region

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, with the financial support of the European Union, are launching a diagnostic study of the greenhouse cluster, which will be the basis for the introduction of cluster approaches in the Imereti Region.

The state attaches special importance to the development of clusters in the agriculture as it increases the ability to produce competitive products and export them to new markets (including the EU market). In order to facilitate the implementation of strategic investments and the introduction of cluster approaches, it was decided to establish the agglomeration of greenhouses in the Imereti Region. Within the framework of the project initiated by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Imereti Agrozone Ltd. was founded, which will help to create a cluster of high-, medium- and low-tech private greenhouses in the Imereti Region, where fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers and other agricultural products will be cultivated.

In addition to the ongoing study of eight clusters, selected on the basis of the results with the consultations with the line ministries, with the financial support of the European Union, UNIDO will conduct additional research on the Imereti greenhouse agglomeration. This study will be conducted in accordance with the UNIDO cluster development methodology, which will focus on the cluster economic system, production characteristics, institutional and business relationships.

UNIDO has already conducted the research of emerging and potential processing industries, agribusiness and food primary production clusters in Georgia and identified 57 clusters. In the mentioned research, the greenhouse cluster in Tskaltubo municipality was ranked 17th , which is an indicator of great development potential.

The study is carried out within the framework of the UN Joint Initiative EU Innovative Action for Private Sector Competitiveness in Georgia, which is funded by the European Union with $ 6 million and is implemented by four UN agencies: United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

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