Summing up the Season of Citrus

The Minister of Agriculture of Georgia, Mr. Otar Danelia, and the Chairperson of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, Mr. Archil Khabadze, summed up the results of orange vintage. During the meeting with the representatives of media Otar Danelia gave positive evaluation to the season of citrus of this year and stated that the orange vintage of 2015 is one of the most successful vintages. The Minister thanked the Minister of Agriculture of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, the employees of the Ministry and the representatives of the Citrus Coordination Staff for active involvement in the process of orange vintage and for good work. This year the season of citrus was carried out in an organised manner, without any interruptions. Based on the results and figures it can be said that out approaches were successful and we are mobbing to the right direction. It is notable that the export of tangerine is approximately 4000 tons more this year than in the last year. There are significant positive results in the area of standardization of processing enterprises as well. In fact, almost all standards can be met in Georgia stated Otar Danelia. As the Minister of Agriculture stated, the events that occurred in neighbouring countries and generally in the region recently had not affected the sales of citrus, because the Ministry was guided by a purposeful and correct plan which proved effective. Otar Danelia stated that this year was actually a turning point and in the future there will be no problem regarding the sales of citrus in Georgia. As of today, more than 26 061 tons of standard tangerine is exported from Georgia and about 9 000 tons of citrus is processed. The income earned from processing the industry tangerine is GEL 1 827 744, out of which GEL 894 325 is the amount of state subsidy. Standard tangerine is mainly exported to the following countries: Russia - 20 389 t. (78.23 %), the Ukraine - 3 878 t. (14.88 %), Armenia - 785 t. (3.01 %), Azerbaijan - 247 t. (0.95 %), Kazakhstan - 447 t. (1.72 %), Belarus - 242 t. (0.93 %), other countries - 74 t. (0.28 %). The final meeting of the season of citrus was attended by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Georgia Mr. Levan Davitashvili, the Director of the Agricultural Project Management Agency Ms Marina Morgoshia, the Minister of Agriculture of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, Mr. Zaur Putkaradze, the Deputy Minitser Mr. Ioseb Abuladze and the Head of the Citrus Coordination Staff Mr. Davit Umekashvili.

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