The enterprises funded within the frameworks of the Joint Agricultural Loan Project are implementing the food safety international standard ISO 22000 with the support of the state

In three enterprises located in Samegrelo region the food international standardization process is ongoing. Today, the representatives of the Agricultural Project Management Agency, USAID / (REAP) and local self-government visited the enterprises in Zugdidi and Tsalenjikha districts and got acquainted with the standardization process. Works are carried out on the basis of the Memorandum of Understanding about the cooperation in the field of technical assistance, under which the Agriculture Project Management Agency and the donor organization ensure co-financing of 80% of the cost of implementation of the food safety management international systems.The assistance aims at implementing the food safety management international standards and systems ISO22000:2005 in the beneficiary enterprises of the co-financing project of agricultural products processing and storage enterprises, as well as providing consulting trainings for the enterprises. As a result of the standardization the potential of enterprises shall be increased and the production efficiency shall be promoted. It is important that introduction of the international food safety standards in the enterprises will promote the potential of the Georgian products export and ensure finding new markets. Since 2014 the co-financing project of agricultural products processing and storage enterprises has been implemented within the Joint Agricultural Loan Project. 16 new enterprises have been funded under the project. The government has already provided the grant in the amount of $ 4 084 518, also, it has provided the co-financing of annual interest 11% expense of the preferential agricultural credits of the beneficiary companies with the total value of $ 5 001 982.

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