Under the framework of United Agroproject a new orchard was cultivated

Cooperative Echohereti in Lagodekhi region of Kakheti Province has planted a new orchard under the framework of the United Agroproject Plant the Future. The Agricultural Projects Management Agency agroproject Plant the Future manager Levan Dolidze and the Kakheti Governor Irakli Kadagishvili visited the orchard of one beneficiary participating in the program the cooperative Echohereti in Lagodekhi region of Kakheti Province. The cooperative Echohereti involved in the program in 2016 and has received the state financing of 50,705 GEL for planting of 6 hectares of persimmon and 9.27 hectares of nut and arrangement of irrigation system. From the received financing 13,230 GEL are intended for nursery plants and 37,475 GEL for drip systems. In the framework of the agroproject Plant the Future in the Kakheti Province, a variety of multicultural orchards have been planted on the 487 hectares of land, and the issued funding amounted to 1,840,514 GEL. Today the total area for cultivation of new orchards and arrangement of irrigation systems over the country amounts to 2,044 hectares, and the financing amounts to 9,767,644 GEL. By the initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia, the Agricultural Project Management Agency started implementation of the agroproject Plant the Future in 2015. Its objective is to provide the maximum support of target use of the farming land in all municipalities (Tbilisi, Rustavi, Batumi, Poti and Kutaisi), to plant perennial gardens and arrange nurseries. Within the framework of agroproject Plant the Future the total state co-financing amounts to: in case of orchard cultivation cases - 70% of the cost of seedlings or 50% of the cost of drip irrigation system; in case of nursery 50% of the cost of establishing the nursery. The Agricultural Projects Management Agency implements the united agroproject which is intended for the long-term development and is aimed at promotion of the competitiveness of the agricultural sector, the stable growth of high-quality products, food safety and food security.

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