Beneficiaries of the Plant the Future program have been trained

The two-day training, supported by the European Union and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), covered the issues associated with garden management, pruning methods, seedling selection and pest and disease control.

Theoretical and practical training was conducted by an invited expert Mark Lansien in the village of Ghvlevi, Kareli Municipality. The training was implemented for the beneficiaries of the program "Plant the Future," who planted perennial gardens in 2020 and 2021.

Training courses are planned in the field of pear, cherry, berry and citrus crops. The training will be conducted in different regions of Georgia, taking into account the relevant agro-technical works.

These training courses are implemented within the framework of the EU EUBBusiness Initiative - EU innovative action for private sector competitiveness in Georgia. The goal of the project is to promote production development.

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