Farmers received their first harvest in the orchards planed with the support of the state

Mr. Anton Jamelashvili, a farmer, planted a new orchard in 2015 in the village of Pkhvenisi, Gori Municipality within the framework of the state program "Plant the Future". The farmer received GEL 72,000 state funding for the cultivation of the cherry orchard on 8 hectares and the installation of an irrigation system, including GEL 49,000 for the purchase of seedlings and GEL 23,000 for the arrangement of a drip system. This year he is expecting to have 30 tons of cherry as his first harvest. 32 locals are employed in the orchard.

"Across Georgia, the orchards planted under the program Plant the Future cover an area of up to ​​10,000 hectares. In Shida-Kartli region, various orchards were planted on a total area of ​​2,400 hectares of land; the co-financing amounted to 16 million GEL. Within the scopes of the program Plant the Future, with state financial support, the country gradually provides with primary agricultural products and replace the imports with it, and this is very important process, Mr. Ilia Tamarashvili, Director of the Agriculture and Rural Development Agency declared while his visit to Shida Kartli region.

The program "Plant the Future" has been implemented by the Agriculture and Rural Development Agency within the framework of the " Unified Agro Project" since 2015. The "Unified Agro Project" is designed for long-term development and its goal is to create an environment that will contribute to increasing competitiveness in agriculture, stable growth in the production of high quality products and the introduction of international food safety standards.

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