New garden under United Agroproject

Within the framework of the "United AgroProject", the project beneficiary "Plant the Future", Tsiuri Datashvili has planted 1 new raspberry garden on 1 ha plot. The fruit garden is located in the village of Khizabara in Aspindza region. Mariam Mekoshkishvili, the project manager of the project Plant the Future, visited the program"s beneficiary raspberry garden with Kakha Samkharadze, the governor of Samtskhe-Javakheti and the representatives of local self-government. The beneficiary was involved in the program in 2017. She has received9509 37GEL state funding for the cultivation of the garden and irrigation systems,7035 00GEL out of which was intended for seedlings and2 474 37GEL for drip systems. Within the framework of the project "Plant the Future", planting of new fruit gardens on 4709 ha throughout Georgia has been financed through state funding which amounts to24684 617GEL. Planting of fruit gardens on 20 ha plot in Samtskhe-Javakheti region has also been funded, the total cofunding of which amounted to108465 96GEL. Within the framework of the Agricultural Project Management Agency "Produce in Georgia - Business", is implementing the "United AgroProject", which is designed for long-term development and the purpose of which is to create such an environment that will contribute the growth of competitiveness in agriculture, stable growth of high quality goods production, establishment of food safety international standards.

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