Announcement for an open competition

Non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) Legal Entity Agricultural Projects Management Agency announces an open competition for creating a common head title, slogan and logo for combining the activities and projects of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia and the Non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) Legal Entity Agricultural Projects Management Agency, and invites all interested persons to participate in the competition. The competition includes 2 lots: Lot I to create a head logo combining the projects of the Non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) Legal Entity Agricultural Projects Management Agency and the Ministry; Lot II to create a head title and slogan combining the activities and projects of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia and the Non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) Legal Entity Agricultural Projects Management Agency. The competition premium for the lots is: Lot I GEL 3000, excluded the taxes determined by the legislation of Georgia; Lot II GEL 500 excluded the taxes determined by the legislation of Georgia. Requirements for participation in the competition: 3.1 Natural and legal persons may participate in the competition, except for the employees of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia and the agencies within the Ministry. 3.2 A participant of the competition may submit maximum 3 bids for each lot. 3.3 All documents and/or information submitted by the bids must be in Georgian language. 3.4 A participant must submit the following documents to the e-mail address specified in paragraph3.5: A scanned signed letter certifying that it is their own work, they have not plagiarized or used the design template that was used in another offer, including their own templates; A logo in a form of -JPEG and PNG files, and title and slogan in any format; Contact information; 3.5The interested persons must submit their bids from 16 February 2016 to 18:00 of 1 March 2016 to the following e-mail address:; 3.6 Late submissions will not be considered. Technical requirements 4.1 The title and slogan of the project must be associated with the basic area of activities of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia and the Non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) Legal Entity Agricultural Projects Management Agency. 4.2 The goal of the logo, as a symbol, is to express the area of activities and main functions of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia and the Non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) Legal Entity Agricultural Projects Management Agency. 4.3 The logo must be submitted in the format of JPEG and PNG files (the winner must additionally submit vector-graphical (EPS) and PSD formats), colour CMYK. The logo must allow easy use and processing; the size must be easily changeable and adjustable for any reproduction purposes. It must be visually attractive in small as well as large scale. When submitting the logo it is important for the author to submit the following information: description of the logo (its symbolic concept); dimensions of the logo (length and width); rules of use (options of using against different backgrounds). 4.4 Title and slogan: Our village is local and Our product more of Georgian is not considered in the competition. 4.5 If the titles and/or slogans, submitted by the participants, coincide with one another, the preference will be given to the competitor who submitted the bid earlier. Additional Information 5.1 After the completion of the competition, one winner will be determined for each lot (one winner may be determined for both lots as well) by a special competition commission within not later than 20 business days after the completion of submission of the offers, based on the following criteria: 5.1.1 In case of the logo: visual (expressive and textual part) effects and compliance with the area of activities and main functions of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia and the Non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) Legal Entity Agricultural Projects Management Agency. 5.1.2 In case of the title and slogan: compliance with the area of activities and main functions of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia and the Non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) Legal Entity Agricultural Projects Management Agency. 5.2 The Non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) Legal Entity Agricultural Projects Management Agency reserves the right not to determine a winner from the bids, and it also has the right to terminate the competition at any stage if it becomes necessary due to unforeseen objective reasons that are beyond its control; 5.3 The materials (logo, title and slogan) submitted by the winner participant(s) shall become the property of the Non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) Legal Entity Agricultural Projects Management Agency and may be used for any purpose of the Agency. 5.4 The Non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) Legal Entity Agricultural Projects Management Agency shall have the right to require from the winner of the competition to make technical changes in the submitted design of the logo. 5.5 The explanations related to the competition may be provided through the hot line of the Non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) Legal Entity Agricultural Projects Management Agency (Tel: +995 322 470101), and in case of a written application, via the following address: Note: Please familiarize with the state projects that are being implemented in the area of agriculture, where it is evident that the state supports development of all areas in this sphere, from the land cultivation by farmers, continued by the harvesting and processing / storing the harvest, to the facilitation of sale of the products. The Ministry and the Agency facilitate development of the area, increase of self-reliance and the export potential by means of various mechanisms. Facilitation of development of the agricultural cooperatives; Facilitation of processing of the primary agricultural products and production of food; Facilitation of increase of revenues and the food safety in the agro-food sector based on the principles of sustainable development of agriculture; Facilitation of the use of export potential, acquisition and enhancement of positions on the international market; Facilitation of organisation of scientific and consultation services, acquisition of professional knowledge and upgrade of qualification by the agricultural business entities working in the area of agriculture. This and many other areas work according to the principle of unified engine in order to develop and enhance Georgian agriculture. In the process of creation of the logo and the title, please take into account the positive emotions that unite all our potential or existing beneficiaries and simplify communication with them: joy, support, successful future, self-actualization, nationality.

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