Georgian tea rehabilitation programme

By the initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia the Agricultural Projects Management Agency is implementing the programme of rehabilitation of tea plantations Georgian Tea. At present, the Deputy Director of the Agricultural Projects Management Agency Mamuka Kvaratskhelia, the Manager of the programme Georgian Tea Levan Urotadze and the representatives of the local self-government visited the village Nagomari of Ozurgeti region and familiarized the local population with the new programme Georgian Tea. By the initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia the Agricultural Projects Management Agency started implementation of the first stage of the programme in February and its goal is to efficiently use the potential of the tea plantations existing in Georgia, to facilitate production of local tea (including the bio tea), and as a result to increase the level of self-reliance and increase the export potential. It is also important that under the project it will be possible to rehabilitate the mostly abandoned tea plantations that are in private as well as in state ownership. Legal persons, as well as agricultural cooperatives will be financed for rehabilitation of tea plantations. The co-financing for the rehabilitation of plantations will be: in case of privately owned plantations: for the legal persons (except for agricultural cooperatives) - 60% of the cost of rehabilitation works; 80% of the cost of rehabilitation works for agricultural cooperatives in case of the state-owned (leased) plantations; for legal persons (except for agricultural cooperatives) - 70% of the cost of rehabilitation works; 90% of the cost of rehabilitation works for agricultural cooperatives. The agricultural cooperatives will be additionally provided with the machinery, equipment and assets for the primary processing of tea free of charge. The programme of rehabilitation of tea plantations consists of several stages; under the project, in cooperation with the donor organisations, the Agricultural Projects Management Agency will provide technical assistance to the beneficiaries of the programme in proper tea processing technology, certification, marketing, establishment of sales channels, etc. Under the programme, special allowances are determined for agricultural cooperatives that will facilitate development of cooperatives in Georgia. The Agricultural Projects Management Agency has been implementing large scale projects since 2013, which focus on long-term development and aim to create the environment that will facilitate increase of competitiveness in the area of agriculture, stable increase of production of high-quality products and introduction of international food safety standards.

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