Insurance companies will complete the calculation of the damage caused by the disaster in Kakheti region within the shortest period

On April 29 and 30, heavy hail significantly hit the Kakheti region. 519 reports were received by insurance companies from state insurance beneficiaries. The damaged area is about 727 hectares. Insurance reports were received from Kvareli, Gurjaani, Lagodekhi and Sagarejo municipalities. The process of calculating the current loss is underway by the representatives of the insurance companies, which will be completed within the shortest period of time. The regional service of the Rural Development Agency is actively involved in the process.

According to the data of 2020, 17,881 policies have been issued and 18,178 hectares of land are insured within the framework of the Agro Insurance program, which is 31% more than in the same period last year. The cost of the insured harvest exceeds 161.9 million GEL. The total insurance premium amounted to more than 13.4 million GEL, of which the co-financing of the Agency exceeds 8.4 million GEL.

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