Otar Danelia presented his final report in the capacity of the Minister of Agriculture

Prime Minister of Georgia attended the presentation of the summary report of Otar Danelia 150 new and 700 expanded enterprises, 1 611 agricultural cooperatives, 23 677 ha land plots insured within the frames of agricultural insurance, etc - today Otar Danelia presented his final report in the capacity of the Minister of Agriculture. During his presentation, the Minister elaborated on the implemented and ongoing projects in a detailed manner and indicated that positive indicators in the industry are outcomes of the correct state policy. Serious achievements have been attained as a result of Otar Danelia's correct management, - Prime Minister of Georgia assessed the report of the Minister and thanked everyone, who participated in this process. Head of the Government wished Otar Danelia success in his future endeavours. According to him, serious challenges are ahead of Georgia in terms of harmonization of the legislative framework with the European standards and presence of Otar Danelia in the Parliament will be beneficial in this sense as well. "The presentation was very impressive. It fully reflects approach taken by our Government to this industry. On the hand, this field is very important in terms of economic development, whereas, on the other hand, it carries important social significance, since more than half of our population is employed in the agriculture sector. Hence, all these programs that foster development of agriculture, including those related to support of small landowners during the spring works, preferable agricultural credit, program aimed at support of the cooperatives, program aimed at fostering winery, program supporting enterprises and warehouses engaged in food processing and creating secondary additional value, etc, - they all qualitatively change the landscape of agricultural industry and entail creation of new workplaces," - Prime Minister noted. The event was attended by the members of the Cabinet, representatives of diplomatic corps accredited in Georgia, NGOs and donor organizations.

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