Standards of Primary Agricultural Industry Certification Programe „GLOBAL GAP” will be introduced with the support of State and USAID / REAP

A memorandum of cooperation was concluded between Agricultural Projects Management Agency and US Agency for International Development (USAID) within the project of Resource Efficient Agricultural Production (REAP)-Plant The Future and Georgian Tea. Within the mentioned memorandum individual or group trainings will be held for the beneficiaries of the project Plant the Future in order to support primary production and improve productivity and the quality of raw materials. Furthermore, in order to improve the quality and credibility of raw materials individual or group trainings will be held for the beneficiaries of the project Georgian Tea in order to support primary production and improve productivity and the quality of raw materials (including proper tea processing technology, certification, marketing, creation of sales channels). In order to improve the quality and credibility of the produced materials it will be possible to introduce a certification program GLOBAL GAP to the program beneficiaries and individual entrepreneurs.The mentioned memorandum was signed by Mariana Morgoshia, director of Agricultural Projects Management Agency and Luiza Namicheishvili, director of UUSAID/REAP.The purpose of the agreement is to strengthen the potential of the rehabilitated tea plantations and cultivated gardens and promote the increase of production efficiency. It is important that beneficiaries receive not only the financial assistance for the cultivation of gardens, but additional technical assistance, that will promote the increase of export potential of Georgian products and search for new markets.Costs of individual or group trainings for the purpose to support primary production and improve productivity and the quality of raw materials will be fully 100% funded for the beneficiaries. 50 % of the total cost for the introduction of certification program GLOBAL GAP will be funded by USAID/REAP and the other 50 % will be funded by the beneficiaries themselves. 234 beneficiaries involved into the program Plant the Future and 7 beneficiaries involved into Georgian Tea will receive the assistance. Agricultural Projects Management Agency is implementing a unified agro project that is purposed for long term development. Its main objective is to promote the competitiveness in agricultural field and steady increase of high quality products as well as to ensure food safety and security.

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