Distribution of drugs for the purpose of rehabilitation is successfully carried out

The government's decision,in May,the disaster-affected population of Kakheti and Shida Kartli regions received agricultural products and drugs. More then 1,702,000 gel are being allocated on affected farmers agro cards. 3365 affected farmers, who did not have agro cards for various reasons, can address local liberty bank offices for their agro cards, with the already accrued agro points.(180 gel per hectare)Affected farmers can receive Agro points on their agro cards through the suitable municipality,in every stores which are involved in the Small Farmers Spring Works support program. Agro points for drugs can be used up until 30 of June.Information regarding store location can be obtained from the hotline:2 47 01 01; 1501 Also, with the risk-reduce aim, the Ministry of Agriculture calls farmers to be actively involved in Agricultural Insurance Project.

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