The training was delivered for the beneficiaries of the program “Plant the Future”

The training was delivered to the beneficiaries of the program Plant the Future. The Agricultural Projects Management Agency has initiated the second stage of professional training of the participants of the program Plant the Future. The training for beneficiaries financed within the frameworks of the project was delivered in the territory of Scientific-Research Center Jigaura. Professional training for 25 project participant beneficiaries was delivered in different spheres: layout and care for orchards (seed cultivation and stone fruits); pruning and formation; the issues of maintenance of irrigation of orchards and plant nutrition. By the initiative of Agricultural Projects Management Agency the training was running for two days; it was launched on February 28 and lasted for two days. Free training for beneficiaries was delivered by Mr. Zviad Bobokashvili, Head of the Perennial Crops Research Department at LEPL Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture. During the professional training the beneficiaries will learn the modern intensive and semi intensive correct treatment system of perennial crops and through the mentioned the risks anticipated during the period of orchard layout will be decreased. The Agricultural Projects Management Agency will systematically deliver the professional training for program participant beneficiaries. In total 445 applications were asserted by the Agricultural Projects Management Agency within the framework of the project Plant the Future. Total financing made within the frameworks of the project amounted to 14 494 862 GEL; mentioned sum was allocated for cultivation of orchards on 3017.5 ha of land. United agricultural project is implemented by the Agricultural Projects Management Agency within the frameworks of the project Produce in Georgia for Rapid Development. Mentioned project is intended for long termed development and aims on formation of such environment that will support the increase of competitive advantages, stable increase of production of high quality products and implementation of international standards of food safety.

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