First Beneficiary has signed for the state Program

In Imereti Region, the cooperative Velvet Tea has received the funding within the program Georgian Tea and will rehabilitate 10.50 hectares of tea plantations.It is noteworthy that the cooperative Velvet Tea is the first one who has received the funding within the program. Today, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Levan Davitashvili, the Agricultural Project Management Agency Director Mariana Morgoshia and Deputy Governor of Imereti Paata Nadiradze visited the sponsored cooperative in Chiatura and saw the rehabilitation works.Cooperative Velvet Tea has involved in the Program on May 18, 2016 and now is providing rehabilitation of 10.50 hectares of tea plantations. The total cost of rehabilitation works is 25.725 GEL, where 80%, or 20.580 GEL of the cost of the work will be financed by the Agricultural Projects Management Agency. As soon as the rehabilitated plantation is fully matured (24-36 months), the cooperative will receive from the Agency free of charge all the necessary equipment for the primary tea processing.On the initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Agricultural Project Management Agency started implementation of the first phase of the Program in February with the aim of effective use of the potential of tea plantations existing in Georgia, promotion of the growth of regional tea (including the bio tea) and , as a result, increase in the self-sustainment and export potential. Noteworthy also is, that in the framework of the program it will be possible to rehabilitate both private and state-owned abandoned tea plantations. The funding for tea plantation rehabilitation will be provided to legal entities, including agricultural cooperatives.Co-financing for the rehabilitation of plantations will be as follows: In case of privately owned plantations: for legal entities (except agricultural cooperatives) - 60% of rehabilitation costs For agricultural cooperatives 80% of rehabilitation costsIn case of state-owned (leased) plantations: for legal entities (except agricultural cooperatives) 70% of rehabilitation costsFor agricultural cooperatives 90% of rehabilitation costs In addition agricultural cooperatives will receive industrial machinery, equipment and inventory for the initial procession of tea free of charge. The agricultural cooperatives will receive free of charge additionally the machinery, equipment and inventory for tea primary processing.The tea plantations rehabilitation program includes several stages. In the framework of program the Agricultural Project Management Agency together with donor organizations will provide to the program beneficiaries the technical assistance in the mastering of tea processing technology, certification, marketing, creation of sales channels and other directions.Since 2013 the Agricultural Projects Management Agency has implemented the large-scale projects designed for a long-term development and its goal is to foster such an environment that will contribute to the increase in the competitiveness in agriculture, steady growth of high-quality production, food safety and food security.

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