Spring works in Svaneti region

Under the Small Farmers 2015 Spring WorksSupport Programme the ploughing works have almost been completed in Svaneti.Today, the Director of the Agricultural Projects Management Agency Ms. MarianaMorgoshia, the Deputy Director Mr. Aleksandre Nasaridze and the Director ofMekanizatori LTD, Mr. Zviad Chkhaidze were familiarised with the ongoing springworks in Mestia. This year, 3828 farmers have been involved in the SmallFarmers 2015 Spring Works Support Programme, out of whom 1912 beneficiarieswere granted an Agro Card. 304 hectare of land is already ploughed in Mestiaand the remaining 32 hectares will be cultivated before 10th ofJune. The ploughing works are performed by six tractors of Mekanizatori LTDtogether with other contracting parties. This year 101235 farmers from Samegrelo andUpper Svaneti Region are involved in the Spring Works Support Programme, out ofwhom 70265 beneficiaries were granted an Agro Card. 800000 farmers are involvedin the Small Farmers 2015 Spring Works Support Programme; 182121 hectare ofland has already been cultivated throughout Georgia. Upon the initiative of the Government ofGeorgia the Spring Works Support Programme was launched in 2013 by the Ministryof Agriculture of Georgia and the Agricultural Projects Management Agency, andthis year is the last stage of the Programme. The Small Farmers 2015 SpringWorks Support Programme started in February and will finish on 1stof December.

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