Near the occupation line, within the framework of the United Agroproject, a new orchard has been planted.  

In frames of the United Agroproject, Amiran Khodeli, a beneficiary of the project Plant The Future, has constructed an intensive apple garden on 12 ha land plot. The fruit garden is located in the village Bershueti, Gori District. The Director of the Agricultural Projects Management Agency Revazi Asatiani together with the Shida-Kartli Governor Kakhaber Samkharadze and representatives of the local self-government visited the apple garden of Amiran Khodeli. The beneficiary was involved into the program in 2016. He received financial support from the government in the amount of 94650 lari for construction of the garden and installation of irrigation systems, from where 67 550 lari were spent on saplings, and 27 100 lari - for dropping systems. In frames of the project Plant The Future, on the national scale, new fruit gardens are spread on 4 289 ha and the state financial aid amounts 22 186 339 lari. Among them 1 349 ha land plot will be used for fruit gardens in the Shida-Kartli Region. The Agricultural Projects Management Agency in frames of the project Produce in Georgia - Business leads the United Agroproject which is designed for the long-termed development and its aim is creation of a kind of environment which supports enhancing of competitiveness in the agricultural sector, stable rise of production of high-quality products, implementation of international standards of safety of food.

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