The Beneficiaries under the State Projects “Plant the future” and “Georgian Tea” shall have the opportunity to implement GLOBAL GAP Standard

Under the Memorandum signed between Projects Management Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia and the United States Agency for International Development USAID/REAP(The Project Restoring Efficiency to Agriculture Production of Georgia) the seminars in the technical assistance field are being held for Beneficiaries of the State projects Plant the Future and Georgian Tea. The Participants of the training course are informed on primary agro-production standards of GLOBAL GAP, which addresses the following issues: the ground processing working activities, garden caring/irrigation, spraying, pest control, fertilizer application technology, staff security policy and rules, harvesting, storage and packages rules. Mr. Aleksandre Nasaridze, the Deputy Director of Projects Management Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia and Ms. Irine Salukvadze, Business development Manager of USAID/REAP acquainted to the development of the first seminar holding at the present time in Gori city. The Seminar is organized with financial support of USAID/REAP by the Projects Management Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia. 6 mentioned seminars of the same type shall be organized throughout the various regions of Georgia. By the end of the above-mentioned seminar, the Beneficiaries shall have the opportunity to implement the GLOBAL GAP International standard and to be awarded with the relevant certificate. The 50 % of the total cost of certification program shall be granted by the support of USAID/REAP, out of which the remaining 50 % shall be paid by the beneficiary. The state programs Plant the future and Georgian Tea are being implemented within the frame of United Agro-Project of the Projects Management Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia. United Agro Project is targeted on the increase of the competitiveness within the agricultural field and aims to promote the steady growth of a high-quality production and provision of food safety and security.

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