Training in the premises of the Scientific Research Center Jighaura

The AgriculturalProjects Management Agency has completed the first stage of training of the participantsof the programme Plant the Future. Under the programme the financedbeneficiaries have undergone a mandatory training in the premises of theScientific Research Centre Jighaura of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia.14 beneficiaries of the programme have been trained in various areas: practicalstudies in the cultivated sapling technologies, introduction of the IntegratedPest Management (IPM) system, garden irrigation and plant fertilization issues. Upon theinitiative of the Agricultural Projects Management Agency the training lastedfor two days, it started on the 5th of August and has finishedtoday. The free training for the beneficiaries was delivered by the Head of thePerennial Plants Research and Sapling Production Department of the AgriculturalScientific Research Centre, Mr. Zviad Bobokashvili. The purpose of the trainingwas to teach the beneficiaries appropriate methods for taking care of theintensive and half intensive perennial plant gardens that will reduce thepotential risks during the cultivation of gardens. The Agricultural ProjectsManagement Agency will regularly provide trainings for the programmebeneficiaries. The certificates were awarded to the trained beneficiaries bythe Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Georgia, Mr. Iuri Nozadze, and the Headof the Agricultural Scientific Research Centre, Mr. Levan Ujmajuridze. The AgriculturalProjects Management Agency has granted in all 14 applications for theprogramme Plant the Future. In all GEL 575889 financing is granted under theprogramme. The following fruits are planted on 89.63 hectare of land: 84.34 haof apple, 1 ha of peach, 3.09 ha of plum and 1.2 ha of sweet cherry. Thefarmers were also granted financing for the arrangement of irrigation systems. Thesecond stage of the programme Plant the Future will start and the applicationswill be open at the Agricultural Projects Management Agency by the end ofAugust, and the farmers who want to join the programme will be able tocultivate fruit orchards in autumn. Upon the initiative of the Ministry ofAgriculture of Georgia the Agricultural Projects Management Agency launchedthe programme Plant the Future as of the end of February. The purpose of the programmeis to cultivate perennial plant gardens and arrange nursery gardens in allmunicipalities (except for Tbilisi, Rustavi, Batumi and Poti). The followingco-financing is allocated by the state under the programme Plant the Future: for cultivating gardens 70% ofthe cost of saplings and 50% of the cost of drip irrigation system; for nursery gardens 50% of thecost of the establishment of the nursery garden; For two years GEL15 million will be spent for the implementation of the programme Plant theFuture. Under the programme it is planned to cultivate 1 000 1 200 hectaresof modern orchards and 30 40 modern nursery gardens. The programme Plant theFuture will facilitate replacement of import at the local market, and the growthof the export potential.

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