New fruits and vegetables processing enterprise in Gori

The Minister of Agriculture of Georgia Levan Davitashvili, together with Ioseb Okromelidze, the Interim Governor of Shida-Kartli region have launched LLC Geoconcentrat - the fruits and vegetables processing enterprise equipped with the modern standards in the village of Karateli located in Gori Municipality. The Property Management Agency of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia has transmitted to the company LLC Geoconcentrat the 20 067 square meters of the non-agricultural land spot and its promises at the symbolic price and within the framework of the Preferential Agro-credit Project of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia a new fruits and vegetables processing enterprise has been established. The total investment volume that was implemented within the frame of enterprise was GEL 1 200 000, of which GEL 650 000 represents the Preferential Agro-credit. The Minister of Agriculture of Georgia Levan Davitashvili emphasized that the State Financial support in regard to entrepreneurs has stimulated a supplementary development and growth. Georgia has a strong Agricultural processing traditions and Shida-Karti has always been the special region from this regard. The Country possesses the great potential to process the raw-fruit and vegetables; the adopting of which should be implemented in full and the processing production is to be developed. Under the Agriculture Project Management Agencys united Agro-Project framework of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia it has been established 18 new enterprises and 64 presently operating enterprises have been extended in Shida-Kartli Region. Totally, US $ 8,391,023 investment has been implemented in new established enterprises within the region-Levan Davitashvili said. According the statement of the Minister, the new-founded and modern-standard equipped enterprises, established under the State project frame, are aiming to support the local, regional economic development and the local populations employment. Just that is the precondition of the Agricultural development. According the founder of the company LLC Geoconcentrat , Ivane Goglidze, presently up to 50 local persons are employed at the enterprise. Seasonally, to this end it has been planned that additionally 25 persons shall be employed. ,, The total capacity of enterprise per day shall be the production of 10 000-12 000 pot of compote and marinade. For the year of 2017 it is targeted to add new field, lines and equipment and the production growth-as founder of LLC Geoconcentrat noted. The company shall launch the processed goods under the name of BENEFIT BATONO. At first stage the realization of the processed products shall be implemented at the local market. From 2017 the production is to be exported. The enterprise LLC Geoconcentrat shall produce the marinades of capers, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, garlic and the compotes of raspberries, cherry, white cherry, peach, corbel , damson, strawberries, feijoas, apple, quince, plum. The company shall purchase the raw from the local farmers.

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