Those wishing to participate in programs/projects must submit applications only in Georgian.

Compensation and Restrictions  

Compensation of expenses incurred for the certification of bioproduction and/or consulting services and/or laboratory analysis of honey and wax per potential beneficiary will be not more than 70%, not more than 7000 GEL.

If the source of co-participation of the potential beneficiary is the funding received from the donor organization, then the compensation will be not more than 40%, not more than 4000 GEL.

Only in the case of viticulture and beekeeping, during the conversion period, one potential beneficiary will be compensated for the cost of purchasing organic fertilizers and/or biopreparations for use against pests and diseases in organic farming and/or the cost incurred for the purchase of bee biopreparations and the bio honeycomb under the following conditions:

  • In the case of viticulture, it is determined by no more than 70%, but not more than 5100 GEL per 1 ha. If the source of co-participation of the potential beneficiary is the funding received from the donor organization – by not more than 40%, but not more than 2900 GEL. Incurred expenses will be compensated by calculation of no more than 5 ha; 
  • In the case of beekeeping, co-financing for the purchase of biopreparations and bio honeycomb  is determined by no more than 70%, but no more than 50 GEL per hive and no more than 5100 GEL in total, if the source of co-participation of the potential beneficiary is the funding received from the donor organization - by no more than 40%, but in the amount of not more than 25 GEL per one hive and not more than 2900 GEL in total. 

Within the framework of the program, only those costs incurred after submitting the application to the "Rural Development Agency" will be reimbursed.
