Another Grape Processing Cooperative was created with a financial help of the state in Kakheti Region

The grape processing enterprise of the agricultural cooperative Vinograph was launched with the financial support of the state in the village of Shilda, Kvareli Municipality. The agricultural cooperative includes 23 viticulturist farmers. The members of the cooperative own more than 20 hectares of vineyards. More than 700,000 GEL in total has been invested in the creation of a grape processing enterprise, from which GEL 495,000 is a grant from the Rural Development Agency. The plant, for the first time this year, has processed more than 100 tons of grapes. The cooperative plans to export wine.

Director of the Rural Development Agency Ilia Tamarashvili and Deputy State Representative of Kakheti Region Levan Liluashvili got acquainted with the working process in the state-supported cooperative enterprise in Kakheti region.

"The agricultural cooperative received a grant from the Rural Development Agency to set up a grape processing enterprise; By creating a cooperative enterprise, each viticulturist was given the opportunity to process his own grown grapes, create additional value and earn more income, said Ilia Tamarashvili, director of the Rural Development Agency.

According to the Deputy State Representative of Kakheti Region, Levan Liluashvili, the programs of the Rural Development Agency are an important support for the population of the region.

As of October 20 of this year, 839 agricultural cooperatives are registered throughout Georgia, which include 9,109 shareholders, including 120 agricultural cooperatives in Kakheti region, where 1,392 shareholders are united.

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