Fruit Processing Enterprise in Dusheti region obtains ISO Certificate

The fruit processing enterprise equipped with modern standards "Iberia Fruits" LLC was established in 2016, in Dusheti Municipality, with the support of the financial assistance program of N(N)LE "Agricultural Projects Management Agency". "Iberia Fruits" LLC buys the fruit from about 30 local farmers and about 120 farmers all around Georgia supply the fruit to the Company. The Company employs 14 persons and produces 110-120 tons of various dried products on an annual basis. At present, main part of the products are sold on a foreign market. In January 2017, "Kareli Agro-Industrial Company" LLC was awarded ISO 22000:2005 certification by the British Company Lloyds Register Assurance Quality. It became possible within the framework of the cooperation between USAID/REAP and N(N)LE "Agricultural Projects Management Agency" aiming to introduce the food safety management systems and standards in the beneficiary enterprises, with the joint efforts and co-financing of USAID/REAP and the Agency (50% - USAID/REAP, 30% - Agency and 20%- company). It is likely that upon certification "Iberia Fruits" LLC will be able to establish the business ties with more foreign buyers. Within the framework of the agreement of cooperation between USAID/REAP and the Agency, at present USAID/REAP and the Agency provide assistance to 13 agro-businesses in introduction of HACCP system and ISO 22 000 standard.

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