New garden in Shida Qartli region

Under the United Agroproject, the beneficiary of the project Plant the Future, LTD AgroEnergy, constructed a new walnut and almond garden on the 18 ha land parcel. The Orchard is located in the village Okami of the Kaspi District. The manager of the project Plant the Future, Mariam Mekokishvili along with the local self-government inspected the walnut and almond garden. The beneficiary was involved into the program since 2017. The company received the state co-financing in the amount of 64 000 lari for construction of the garden and installation of irrigation systems, among which 42 855 lari was used for the saplings, and 21 145 lari for the dripping systems. In scopes of the project Plant the Future, on the whole territory of Georgia, new fruit gardens have been constructed on the 4 709 ha and a volume of the state financing makes up 24,684,617 lari. From this amount, construction of fruit gardens on 1 349 ha land parcel was financed in the Shida Qartli region. The Agricultural Projects Management Agency, in scopes of the Produce in Georgia Business, is implementing the United Agroproject, which is designed for long-termed development and is focused on creation of a kind of the environment which will support increasing of competitiveness in the agricultural sector, sustainable upgrading of production of high quality products, and implementing of international standards applicable in the field of safety of food.

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