Fruit and Vegetable Processing Plant Launched in Gurjaani Municipality with State Support

Giorgi Khanishvili, First Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, together with Ilia Tamarashvili, Director of the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency, visited the newly opened enterprise of Georgian Agro Product Ltd., where they got acquainted with the production process.

In the village of Chumlaki, Gurjaani Municipality, a fruit and vegetable processing plant of Georgian Agro Product Ltd. was launched within the framework of the Unified Agro Project with the financial support of the state. In total, more than 4 million GEL was invested in the plant, of which 600,000 GEL was a grant and 1.5 million GEL was a preferential agro-credit. The plant, which employs 15 people, can process 1,000 tons of fruits and vegetables. The company sells its products on the local market under the brand name Kind and Decent.

The example of this enterprise proves once again that the programs of the Georgian government, which are implemented by the Ministry of Environmental and Agriculture, are focused on Georgian entrepreneurs and businesses. This enterprise is one more confirmation of the great benefits that are gradually becoming clear to the population,- said Giorgi Khanishvili.

Since 2013, 82 new enterprises have been financed in Kakheti Region with the help of the state within the framework of the United Agro Project. The financial support of the state has boosted the entrepreneurs to develop and expand production.

The United Agro Project is implemented by the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency. It is designed for long-term development of the agrarian sector and aims to create an environment that will promote competitiveness in agriculture, stable growth of high quality products, introduction of international food safety standards.

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