New nut processing plant in Zugdidi

A nut processing plant, owned by the company Natinvest, has been launched in Zugdidi city, in the region of Samegrelo. The Minister of Agriculture of Georgia Otar Danelia, the Governor of Samegrelo and Upper Svaneti Region Levan Shonia and the Head of the Agricultural Projects Management Agency Mariana Morgoshia visited the plant and familiarized with the process of nut processing on site. The nut processing plant owned by the company Natinvest produces cracked, calibrated and dried nuts. The plant has 50 employees. The company plans to produce 300 tons of finished products annually. The products will be exported to the states of the European Union. The plant was built in August of 2015. The company is a beneficiary of the preferential agro-credit project of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia. In all, USD 430,000 investment was made in the plant, USD 172 000 of which is the amount of grant and the remaining USD 215 000 is the amount of the preferential agro-credit. Since 2013, the Agricultural Projects Management Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia has been successfully implementing the preferential agro-credit project. Within the scope of the project preferential agro-credits are granted for the establishment of new enterprises as well as for the expansion of the existing ones. Currently, more than 600 operating and 147 new enterprises have been financed under the project and about 10 000 persons have been employed. The financial support offered by the state encouraged the entrepreneursto develop and expand their business activities.

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