Those wishing to participate in programs/projects must submit applications only in Georgian.

Co-financing component of installation of anti-hail systems and/or well/drip irrigation system

The co-financing component for the arrangement of hail-suppression systems and/or wells/bore-holes/pumping station envisages financial assistance to potential beneficiaries for the modernization of existing perennial orchards and/or planting the new ones.

Within the framework of the co-financing component for the arrangement of hail-suppression systems and/or wells/bore-holes/pumping station, it is possible to provide co-financing to all municipalities and self-governing cities of Georgia, except for the following self-governing cities: Tbilisi, Rustavi, Kutaisi, Batumi, Poti.

 Financial assistance

The co-financing component for the arrangement of hail-suppression systems and/or wells/bore-holes/pumping station envisages the allocation of targeted financial assistance to potential beneficiaries in the form of co-financing for the arrangement of hail-suppression systems and/or wells/bore-holes/pumping stations for the existing perennial orchards as well as for those to be planted.

Potential Beneficiary Eligibility Criteria

The beneficiary of the co-financing component for the arrangement of hail-suppression systems and/or wells/bore-holes/pumping station can be:

  1. A) A natural person or an individual entrepreneur who is a citizen of Georgia;
  2. B) An enterprise founded in Georgia, including a registered agricultural cooperative.

The beneficiary of the co-financing component for the arrangement of hail-suppression systems and/or wells/bore-holes/pumping station cannot be an enterprise in which the state directly or indirectly owns shares, stocks, except for the enterprise in which the JSC Partnership Fund directly or indirectly owns a share or stocks.

The beneficiary of the component must be registered in the register produced within the framework of the "Farmers / Farmers Registration Project".

To receive co-financing provided by the co-financing component for the arrangement of hail-suppression systems and/or wells/bore-holes/pumping station:

A) Potential beneficiary has to be in his/her full age;

B) Potential beneficiary must own an agricultural land plot (s) registered in the LEPL - National Agency of Public Registry as his/her property and/or he/she must have a long-term lease for agricultural land plot from the state/municipal body / Autonomous Republic of Adjara / From JSC "Partnership Fund" / from person / legal entity  (remaining period of the lease must be at least 10 years, the lease agreement must be registered with the LEPL - National Agency of Public Registry). 

The area of ​​the land plot on which the hail-suppression systems and/or wells/bore-holes/pumping station is planned to accommodate should be at least 0.5 ha. The land on which it is planned to install anti-hail systems and / or  well / drip irrigation system should not be seized.

Success stories


Plant The Future

Plant The Future

Applications for the Gardens component will be accepted from January 15, 2025 at...